Looking for Work?

Find the apprenticeship or traineeship for you

Careers made easy

Getting your first job shouldn’t be this hard. Someone should take a chance on you. We can help you.

We are Prestige Staffing Solutions

Our team is dedicated to building a brighter future by helping young people develop careers through traineeships, apprenticeships, and other educational opportunities.

We are leaders in recruitment and have helped hundreds of individuals and businesses strive for and reach success.

Our commitment to you is pairing the right person with the right job. We help you navigate a pathway to success, exceeding expectations, and maximising your opportunities.

Job Board

How we help


Apply Online

Make sure you are prepared with a cover letter and resume.



We help you get job-ready. Check out our interview tips and tricks.


Earn & Learn

Graduate with your nationally recognised qualification.

Job Board Industries

Industries we support

Now is the time

Find your pathway with Prestige Staffing Solutions and schedule a call today.

Job Board Now is the time